Yes! Anyone with the authority to speak about the property is welcome to post with us. We do recognize that some states allow real estate professionals to be involved in sales like this and that some parks use their in house staff as sales persons for the parks inventory. All are welcome! Sign up for a seller account here and list your property today.
Posting on our site costs $85 with no additional fees when sold.
We look at and approve/reject every listing and will do so as soon as possible. We like to say almost immediately, but that is not always possible. At the most a couple of hours from the time of submission your post will be live on the site or you will be notified if something needs to be changed for approval. Anything submitted after 8 pm may be reviewed and approved/rejected the next morning
We try to post on FB as quickly as possible, but we like to spread out the posts so nothing is overlooked. It shouldn’t be more than 24 hrs.
We limit the number of photos to 20
We support the upload of various file types; however, please note that HEIC files are not currently supported. If you are attempting to upload HEIC images, please convert them to either JPG or PNG formats before uploading.
To ensure the best visual quality, we recommend the following guidelines for your images:
By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure your images look great and load quickly on our site.
We recommend that videos be placed in the property description section of the post as a link. We have a YouTube channel and would be happy to post the video there and put a link on your post-just email the video to or text to 336-661-5216 and we will contact you about it
Videos are great for attracting attention to your property. You can add one video to your listing when you add the photos. 60 sec max videos can be used for a Facebook reel.
You can also request that I “boost” your FB listing into an ad-you pay for the post to become an ad-you choose how long to run it, how much to spend, and who to market the ad to.
Some parks do not allow you to live beach trailers there as a permanent residence. Some limit the number of days per month you can be in residence, some the number of weeks, some are closed certain months of the year. It all depends on the park. As for why this is, that changes per park as well. County/city ordinances, septic capacities, park rules and regs determined by the landowner are all possible reasons for this decision. We always say it is best to reach out to the park management with questions like this.
1. If your property is not really a beach trailer ex: it is NOT on a leased lot (we do not market real estate). If it is a house or other type of structure, we market rv’s, park models (tiny homes), or mobile homes where you pay the landowner/park a lot fee.
2. If it is for rent, not for sale.
3. If it contains inappropriate language or pictures.
4. If it is not near the beach-we kind of have to use our discretion here, but let’s say 20 mins give or take to get to the beach or the park is located on a water source that is near the beach.
If you are in doubt, reach out to us for clarification before you submit your property.
Listings are good for one year. After a year, if you wish to renew the listing you will be charged another listing fee.
We really aren’t the best source for comps-we rarely hear what the properties sell for, so we cannot pass that data on to you. You can search the site for other properties in the same park or area as yours and of course ask the neighbors, they can be a great source of information.
You decide what name to post and phone number when you add your property listing. Email addresses are hidden but buyers will be able to email you with questions or to make appts to see your property.
Comments, likes, shares and other actions on a social media post help your post be seen more and by a wider audience. We know negative comments are hard to stomach and we will do our best to delete something obviously offensive, but as the page grows, it is becoming harder to monitor all the comments on all of the posts. So, no, we do NOT become involved in the negative comments on the posts. We try to answer questions on the posts, but again, it is hard to keep up at times. You might want to follow or FB page so that you can answer questions on your own post (@beachtrailers)
Traffic on the site varies by season. We have had as many as 88,000 views in ONE DAY! (that was a FL property that went viral, but I like to brag about it) but seriously, it is a rarity that our site receive under 5,000 views a day and in the summer months it is often more than double that. However, keep in mind that we are changing our site and platform to reach out to more states, so that number can only increase. As a seller you can see the number of views on your page at the bottom of the webpage for your property.
You have access to your post 24 hrs a day, you can edit it as often as you wish while your post is valid. Register here to make a seller account and post with us.
Buyer account’s are free. Register here to save searches, compare properties, email sellers, and get emails when something that meets your needs comes available on the site.
A buyers account allows you can save your favorites and contact the property owner via an online form in your “Wishlist” area of the website. You can also save searches and receive emails when properties come online that meet your search criteria. Register for a buyers account here.
It is possible to get traditional mortgages on properties like this, but most are purchased with cash. And that cash comes from a home equity or personal loan maybe. Best to talk to lenders if you are not in a position to pay cash before you start hunting for your vacation home. If we ever have any information or relationship with a lender we will share that info on the website and FB page.
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